PennDOT: Ninety-one Projects to Improve Mobility, Safety with Act 89 Multimodal, Transit Funds
HARRISBURG, Pa., Oct. 28, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Eighty-six projects in 35 counties will improve safety and mobility with $84 million in Multimodal Transportation Fund investments from Act 89, the state’s transportation plan.
“All types of transportation drive our economy and Act 89 gave us the tools to ensure our non-highway modes receive the funding they need to maintain a connected transportation system,” PennDOT Secretary Barry J. Schoch said. “These are vital investments that underscore Governor Corbett’s dedication to improving transportation in communities across the state.”
In addition to the 86 multimodal projects announced, PennDOT is investing $7.2 million in Act 89 transit funding for five transit projects that applied for multimodal funding.
These grants were made possible by Act 89, which increased transit funding and established dedicated multimodal funding for aviation, passenger rail, rail freight, port and bicycle-pedestrian projects. The project funding comes from three state fiscal years of Act 89 investments.
PennDOT evaluated the applications and made selections based on such criteria as safety benefits, regional economic conditions, the technical and financial feasibility, job creation, energy efficiency and operational sustainability.
The projects require a 30-percent match from local sources.
For more information about the program, visit and click on Multimodal Transportation.
Media contact: Rich Kirkpatrick or Erin Waters-Trasatt, 717-783-8800
Editor’s Note: Following is a list of multimodal fund grant recipients, the amount of funding, and a brief description of the projects, followed by a list of projects receiving Act 89 transit funding:
Adams County: Borough of Gettysburg – $495,192 to relocate utility poles, install light fixtures, street furniture and a bus shelter, and complete landscaping on the Steinwehr Avenue Corridor.
Allegheny County
- Aspinwall Riverfront Park, Aspinwall Borough – $921,453 to realign the entry of the park to the Brilliant Avenue intersection, replace existing traffic signals, configure a four-way intersection, and construct a westbound left turn lane and pedestrian lane.
- CSX Transportation, Inc., McKees Rocks Borough – $1.1 million to improve the intersection of Route 51 (Island Avenue) and Michael Alley/Cutler Street, including the construction of additional roadway, installation of a traffic signal, and the addition of a center turn lane.
- Department of Public Works, Pittsburgh – $103,028 to purchase a heavy duty truck, trailer-mounted equipment and other equipment and staff training to begin a durable pavement marking program.
- McKees Rocks Industrial Enterprises, Stowe Township – $917,686 for the 380-foot expansion of MRIE’s existing barge dock at mile 4 on the Ohio River.
- Oxford Development Company, Pittsburgh – $2.2 million to develop Three Crossings, a mixed-use development consisting residential units, office space, and a transportation facility with vehicle and bicycle parking, bicycle repair, EV charging stations, kayak storage, and transit station.
- Port Authority of Allegheny County, McKeesport – $1 million to demolish the existing McKeesport Transportation Center and construct a new multimodal terminal serving regional bus, local bus, vans, and ACCESS paratransit, a park-and-ride lot, and a major bicycle trail.
- Three Rivers Marine & Rail Terminals, LP, Glassport Borough – $243,750 for the design and construction of five quad tie cells for barge mooring at the Glassport Terminal located on the Monongahela River and the CSX Railroad.
Armstrong County
- Allegheny River Development Corporation – $120,000 to support staffing necessary to operate locks 6, 7, 8, and 9 on the Allegheny River.
- Borough of Kittaning – $3 million for traffic signal upgrades, curb extensions, improved pedestrian crossings, new pedestrian signal equipment, and coordinating all traffic signals along Market Street.
Beaver County
- Borough of Monaca – $261,000 to make improvements to accommodate vehicles, pedestrians and bicycles on a 10-block segment of Monaca’s main downtown corridor, Pennsylvania Avenue, and to construct a 2.4-mile segment of the Ohio River Greenway Trail along Pennsylvania Avenue.
- Colona Transfer, LP, Monaca Borough – $1.9 million for upgrades to river cells, dock, and rail turnouts and rehabilitation of track for the Colona Transfer facility originally built in the early 1930s.
- Georgetown Sand & Gravel, Inc., Georgetown Borough – $994,555 to add 18 quad ties to the riverside to enhance barge fleeting, clear a portion of the 75-acre property to trans-load additional products, and develop a barge repair and cleaning facility.
- Value Ambridge Properties, Harmony Township – $105,000 to update and repair existing rail, ties, switches, and bumpers at the Ambridge Regional Distribution and Manufacturing Center.
Bedford County: Bedford County Airport Authority, Bedford Township – $1.2 million to construct a maintenance hangar, an attached office complex on the east side of the hangar, parking for hangar employees, and a small aircraft apron.\
Berks County: Borough of Sinking Spring – $783,805 to reconstruct and realign the intersection of Penn Avenue, Columbia Avenue, and Cacoosing Avenue.
Blair County: Rails to Trails of Central Pennsylvania, Inc., Frankston Township – $585,000 to construct an underpass under U.S. 22, connecting the Lower Trail with Canoe Creek State Park.
Bucks County
- New Hope Borough – $126,700 to design and construct pedestrian improvements along Route 32 (Main Street) at W. Parry Street, Ferry Street, Mechanic Street and a midblock crossing between Coryell/Waterloo Street and Mechanic Street.
- Northampton Township – $165,000 to construct decorative imprint asphalt crosswalks and associated curb ramps and sidewalk improvements at seven locations in downtown Richboro.
- Lower Makefield Township – $350,000 to install necessary safety measures at three highway rail grade crossings to apply to alleviate train noise on a heavily traveled passenger and freight rail corridor.
Butler County: Towne Centre Associates, Jackson Township – $1.5 million to complete road and intersection improvements on Little Creek Road, Mercer Road, Wise Road, and U.S. 19, including realignment and traffic signals to support a proposed commercial/retail development in the township.
Centre County
- Borough of State College – $160,000 to construct a multi-use trail and install associated signage from the West End neighborhood (West College Avenue), linking the existing bike routes to a multi-use path that connects to The Pennsylvania State University.
- Patton Township – $800,000 to install turning lanes at four intersections along the Valley Vista Drive corridor serving commuters, businesses and residents in Patton and Ferguson townships.
Chester County
- New Garden Township – $979,431 for site preparation including drainage, taxiway/apron paving, stormwater management, and the construction of seven individual t-hangars and two box hangars.
- Borough of Malvern – $160,000 to provide transit pedestrian access routes for riders of the SEPTA Regional Rail Station located in the center of the Borough, including upgrading the traffic signals at the King Street/Warren Avenue intersection to Accessible Pedestrian Signals, completing the sidewalk network on North Warren Avenue from King Street to Pennsylvania Avenue, and installing LED signal heads and overhead street name signs.
- Urban Outfitters, Inc., Easttown Township – $1.5 million to install left-turn lanes, add crosswalks and sidewalks, optimize signal timings, add ADA facilities, install new lighting, enhance stormwater controls, add bicycle accommodations, and coordinate parking with SEPTA at the proposed Lifestyle Center development along Route 30 in Devon.
Clinton County: SEDA-COG Joint Rail Authority, Lock Haven – $3 million to construct a new two-way industrial access road, realign a portion of the Nittany & Bald Eagle Railroad Main Line to accommodate the access road, and construct new sidings and operating tracks for First Quality Tissue’s two existing facilities and a proposed new facility.
Crawford County: Economic Progress Alliance of Crawford County, Greenwood Township – $1 million to construct an 85-car unit train loop track in the Keystone Regional Industrial Park that will connect with an existing Norfolk Southern main line track and serve a Deerfield Farms Service grain elevator facility.
Cumberland County
- Big Spring School District, West Pennsboro Township – $525,000 to complete pedestrian safety improvements, including installation of new school-zone signs throughout the school district and design of a pedestrian tunnel connecting Big Spring High School with the fitness center located across Mount Rock Road.
- Borough of Carlisle – $1.5 million to replace the five-way intersection at Fairgrounds Avenue, Penn Street and North Hanover Street with a modernized roundabout or install a traffic signal to improve traffic flow and support the mixed-use redevelopment of three brownfield properties in the borough.
- Camp Hill Borough – $424,000 to pave 38,657 square yards of municipal streets.
- Cumberland County Industrial Development Authority, East Pennsboro Township – $1.1 million for roadway, pedestrian, streetscape and traffic signalization improvements to support the Summerdale Mixed-Use Development project.
- Cumberland County Industrial Development Authority, South Middleton Township – $1.2 million to construct a connector road between Route 641(Trindle Road) and Route 74 (York Road) to improve traffic flow at the Interstate 81 interchange at Exits 48 and 49.
- Lower Allen Township – $157,500 to install additional sidewalk links along Gettysburg Road and Hartzdale Drive to create a 1-mile-long pedestrian path that connects the Capital City Mall shopping area to a Capital Area Transit stop on Gettysburg Road.
- Shippensburg Township – $154,374 to construct the final half-mile segment of a surface transportation improvement project at Shippensburg University, completing a connector road between the H. Ric Luhrs Performing Arts Center, the Conference Center at Shippensburg University, the Courtyard Marriott, the Downtown Shippensburg Commercial District and the Cumberland Valley Rail Trail.
- Shippensburg Investors, LP, Shippensburg Township – $750,000 to realign Cramer Road at Exit 29 of Interstate 81 to assist traffic, enhance safety and provide access to a proposed 1.1 million square-foot industrial commerce park.
Dauphin County
- City of Harrisburg – $3.2 million for Phase 1 of the Market Street Corridor Transportation Redevelopment Project which includes the rehabilitation and reconstruction of three main transit corridors in the city at 15th Street from Herr Street to State Street, 17th Street from Sumner Road to Hanover Road, and Marion Street from Reily Street to Verbeke Street.
- Norfolk Southern Railway Company, Harrisburg – $3 million to add 187 trailer parking spots at the Harrisburg Intermodal Facility to increase capacity by 35,000 lifts per year.
Delaware County
- Institute for Economic Development, Chester – $750,000 to install security cameras, streetscape improvements and lighting to improve pedestrian safety in the City of Chester.
- Chadds Ford Investors, LP, Concord Township – $3 million to construct a road to connect U.S. 202 and 1 and to install sidewalks, lighting and pedestrian safety amenities in Concord and Chadds Ford townships.
Erie County: Erie Regional Airport Authority, Millcreek Township – $700,000 for improvements to the Erie International Airport terminal building.
Franklin County
- Chambersburg Health Services, Chambersburg Borough – $2.4 million to extend St. Paul Drive to connect with Parkwood Drive, extend Parkwood Drive to connect with the Kohler Road and Grand Point Road intersection in Greene Township, in addition to improvements to Norland and Fifth Avenues in Chambersburg Borough.
- Washington Township Supervisors – $2 million to construct 3.13 miles of the Washington Township Boulevard from PA 997 (Anthony Highway)to Old Route 2007 (Forge Road).
- Borough of Waynesboro – $500,000 to resurface a one-quarter-mile segment of Welty Road, which serves as a southern bypass route, and the reconstruction of Fairview Avenue, a heavily utilized access road for truck drivers, residents, and buses in the borough.
Greene County: Greene County, Franklin Township – $1.3 million for the construction of an entrance hub to the Greene County Airport that will serve as the fourth leg of the intersection of Route 21 and Murtha Drive.
Huntingdon County: Hopewell Township Supervisors – $94,500 to replace the culverts on Upper Ridge Road (T-374) to allow an increase in the current five-ton weight limit.
Indiana County
- Homer City Borough – $497,656 to install new ADA-compliant sidewalks and curb ramps, stamped concrete crosswalks, and decorative lighting and replace overgrown trees with dwarf trees on Main Street and Oakland Avenue.
- Indiana County Board of Commissioners, Burrell Township – $1.7 million to construct a multi-purpose pedestrian bridge over Route 22 to connect Hoodlebug and Blairsville Riverfront Trails that will expand the multi-state trail network to provide a safe route to school and reduce short-distance vehicular use across Route 22.
- East Mahoning Township – $350,000 for the reconstruction and resurfacing of Richmond Road.
- Indiana County Development Corporation, White Township – $876,750 to construct, coordinate and update traffic signals along the PA Route 286 corridor and for road improvements to Louise Drive within the Windy Ridge Business and Technology Park.
Lancaster County
- Borough of Denver – $227,405 to replace 344 existing streetlights with LED streetlights to provide a brighter, environmentally friendly system which will be more energy efficient, cost less to operate, have minimal maintenance costs, and improve pedestrian safety.
- West Lampeter Township – $700,000 to replace a functionally obsolete bridge and realign the roads at the intersection of Route 2039 (Gypsy Hill Road) and Long Rifle Road (T-537).
Lawrence County: Ben Weitsman & Sons of New Castle, LLC, New Castle – $204,615 for the removal of an existing rail spur and installation of new rail, ties, and ballast to accommodate operations at the new Ben Weitsman New Castle scrap metal facility.
Lebanon County: Lebanon County Commissioners/Lebanon County Planning Department, Cornwall Borough – $90,652 to construct a 19-space trailhead/park-and-ride lot at Alden Place along PA Route 117.
Lehigh County
- Lehigh–Northampton Airport Authority, Hanover Township – $1.8 million to construct an Intermodal Ground Transportation Center adjacent to the Airport Terminal for bus, taxi, shuttle, and rental cars. Construction includes improvements to the airport’s existing roadways to accommodate the increase in vehicle volume.
- Lower Macungie Township – $175,000 to construct bridge and trail connections to complete the existing trail network in residential and open space areas at Little Lehigh Creek along Spring Creek Road.
- Borough of Emmaus – $238,777 to replace the 10th Street culvert, associated sidewalks and street with the addition of a pedestrian/bicycle lane.
- City of Allentown – $2.1 million for the installation of a traffic responsive signal system at 56 intersections, the development of a Traffic Management Center, and improvements at Lehigh Street/Union Street and 6th Street/Union Street.
Luzerne County
- City of Pittston – $225,155 to complete Phases III and IV of the City’s planned streetscape improvements from Market Street to Plank Street, including the installation of new sidewalks, lighting, and crosswalks.
- Community Area New Development Organization, Hazle Township – $244,868 for intersection improvements and a roadway extension to accommodate the growing volume of traffic at Humboldt Industrial Park.
- Forty Fort Borough – $825,306 for traffic signal upgrades at Wyoming Avenue, Slocum Street, and Welles Street, improvements to sidewalks and lighting at the borough building, and the paving of 20 alleyways throughout the borough.
Montgomery County
- Upper Dublin Township – $2.9 million to reduce the width of part of Commerce Drive to allow the construction of a 10-foot wide trail to connect Pennsylvania and Delaware Avenues, allowing construction of .75 miles of a section of the Cross County Trail.
- Plymouth Township – $83,675 to install sidewalks along Germantown Pike from Jolly Road to Walton Road.
- King of Prussia Business Improvement District, Upper Merion Township – $1.2 million for Linear Park streetscape and pedestrian improvements along First Avenue in the King of Prussia Business Park.
- Lower Providence Township – $1 million to align the Crawford Road and Eagleville Road approaches with Park Avenue, add left-turn lanes, and upgrade signalization to improve vehicular safety, mobility, and efficiency.
- Township of Abington – $3 million for improvements to two existing SEPTA stations (Noble Station and Crestmont Station) to enhance vehicular and pedestrian access to the area that will act as a catalyst for future commercial and residential redevelopment projects.
Northampton County
- Borough of Hellertown – $200,158 to complete surface and subsurface repairs on six bridges to maintain and improve multimodal interconnectivity within the borough.
- The Charles Chrin Real Estate Trust, Palmer Township– $962,686 for transportation infrastructure improvements within the Chrin Commerce Center to enhance interior roadways, bus stops, and linkages from the CCC to nearby bicycle and pedestrian paths.
- Delaware River Waterfront Corporation – $200,000 for pedestrian and bicycle facility improvements on Spring Garden Street between Columbus Boulevard/North Delaware Avenue and 2nd Street to enhance mass transit access and leverage transit-oriented development.
- Schuylkill River Development Corporation – $1.7 million for the extension of the Schuylkill River Trail, a multi-use commuter and recreational trail, along the west bank of the Schuylkill River from just south of Grays Ferry Avenue to 56th Street.
- City of Philadelphia Mayor’s Office of Transportation and Utilities – $1.5 million to complete consistent and contiguous lighting improvements for a 40-block grid of streets directly surrounding the Pennsylvania Convention Center.
- Philadelphia Water Department – $511,836 to install two bus shelters, double the width of five pedestrian traffic islands, build 27 stormwater planters, update 20 curb ramps, and add one mile of bike lanes within the Yorktown neighborhood.
- City of Philadelphia Department of Streets – $1 million to replace lights with brighter LED lights along Kensington Avenue under the Market Frankford Elevated Transit Line to improve safety and visibility.
- Drexel University– $2.5 million to create an integrated plan to address transportation, commercial opportunities and the station and facilities for the Philadelphia 30th Street Station precinct.
- Maritime Exchange for the Delaware River and Bay – $100,000 to upgrade Automatic Identification System infrastructure and complete modifications to Maritime Online software.
- Mt. Airy USA – $1.1 million to implement a regional wayfinding system that will integrate the area’s transit lines with surrounding amenities and install bus shelters along Germantown and Wadsworth Avenues in the Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill communities of Northwest Philadelphia.
- Biomass Global, LLC – $2.9 million for rail infrastructure upgrades necessary to support the operation of a new port facility that will receive, store, and ship wood pellets for two wood pellet plants.
Somerset County
- Jennerstown Borough – $261,067 to install sidewalks to provide safe passage for school students, tourists, and other pedestrians and provide handicap access long the Route 30 (Historic Lincoln Highway).
- Conemaugh Health System, Inc., Summit Township – $11,194 for transportation improvements to support a proposed new medical office building along Business Route 219, including construction of an access road from Business Route 219, parking areas, and sidewalks.
Venango County: City of Franklin – $100,000 to complete safety, accessibility, and efficiency improvements to two busy signalized crossing areas in downtown Franklin at the 13th Street and Liberty Street intersection and the mid-1200 block of Liberty Street.
Wayne County
- Honesdale Borough – $107,000 to replace the pedestrian bridge at 6th Street that connects residential and commercial districts.
Westmoreland County
- Westmoreland County Airport Authority, Unity Township – $630,000 for site preparation for the construction of a hangar in the corporate hangar area of the Arnold Palmer Regional Airport.
- Saint Vincent College, Unity Township – $274,448 for transportation and streetscape improvements, including improvements to the campus entrance along Route 1045, installation of a video surveillance system, construction and repair of pedestrian walkways, installation of street lights along Wimmer Lane, and the installation of flashing lights and signage for pedestrian crossings.
Wyoming County: Keystone College, Factoryville Borough – $1.2 million to complete pedestrian safety improvements, traffic calming, and streetscape enhancements on College Avenue to support realignment of the campus entrance.
York County
- Spring Grove Borough – $500,000 for improvements along Route 116 (Main Street) and connecting streets to enhance public safety and walkability of the community, address ADA accessibility, support recreational opportunities, and revitalize the downtown area.
- York Township – $1.4 million to construct a new two-lane local roadway from Chambers Road (York Township) to a planned traffic signal at Plymouth Road (Springettsbury Township) to accommodate vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles.
In addition, the following grant recipients applied for multimodal funding and will receive Act 89 transit funding:
Cambria County
- Johnstown Area Heritage Association, City of Johnstown – $848,010 to rehabilitate the Johnstown Passenger Station to serve the needs of Amtrak riders and to house a visitor welcome center for the area.
- City of Johnstown – $555,000 to renovate the six-level open-deck, street framed parking structure that serves the Main Street East Complex, the hub for nearly all CamTran bus routes.
Lycoming County
- River Valley Transit, City of Williamsport – $3 million to construct the Trade & Transit Centre II, a new intermodal facility for River Valley Transit in the City of Williamsport.
Montgomery County
- Landsdale Borough – $2.7 million for streetscape improvements along East Main Street between Broad Street and Greenwood Road and enhancements at SEPTA’s track crossing of Main Street.
- University City District – $51,378 to construct a new multimodal hub at the 40th Street Trolley Portal which will include pedestrian and transit passenger safety features, lighting and bicycle parking.
SOURCE Pennsylvania Department of Transportation